Monday, September 26, 2005

Rats Jump Off a Sinking Ship Called Bush

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told France's Finance Minister Thierry Breton the United States has "lost control" of its budget deficit, the French minister said Saturday.

This too fits the whole miserable picture of the neocon's doomed dream of robbing and ruling the world:

From Capitol Hill Blue

The Rant

Rats Jump Off a Sinking Ship Called Bush


Sep 26, 2005 - That sound you hear is the stampede of Republicans running like hell from George W. Bush.

The GOP faithful head for the exits, finally aware that close association with the President and his failed Presidency could spell doom for them in the midterm elections next year.

Conservatives lead the rats off the sinking ship. They’ve had enough to Bush’s big-spending, budget-busting antics.

“Conservatives have long been worried about federal finances,” says Republican Rep. Tom Feeney of Florida. “Now that worry is turning into frustration and anger.”

Republicans who joined in the frenzy to approve record amounts of aid for victims of Hurricane Katrina now realize they gave Bush a blank check without any notion of how he intends to pay the bill.

“It would be nice if he would at least give us some idea of how he intends to finance Gulf Coast rebuilding,” says Republican Senator Conrad Burns of Montana.

“Vision is lacking,” says GOP Senator Ralph Voinovich of Ohio. “We’re floundering.”

Republican strategists complain that GOP dissatisfaction with Bush is reaching epidemic proportions. Senior Republicans admit privately they expect to see some GOP candidates distance themselves from Bush.

“There are so many Bush naysayers because of Iraq, there's a piling on effect going on," complains Republican consultant Chris Depino of New Haven, Conn.

Bush’s troubles, of course, leave Democrats gleefully hoping to gain seats in Congress during the midterm elections and possibly take the White House back in 2008.

Just ask Rep. Rahm Emanuel, chairman of the House Democratic campaign committee: “I think there's a lot of anger and we're gaining because of that. We could blow it. They can gain ground they've lost, but there's a big shift going on.”

While anger over the Iraq war contributed to the growing dissatisfaction with Bush, it was the Katrina FUBAR that pushed most over the edge.

“The breaking of the Bush spell opens the way for leaders of both parties to declare their independence and shape a more appropriate national agenda,” writes columnist E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post. “The federal budget, already a mess before Katrina, is now a laughable document.

Finding a way forward in - and out of - Iraq will require creativity from those not implicated in the administration's mistakes. And if ever the phrase ‘reinventing government’ had relevance, it is now that we have observed the performance of a government that allows political hacks to push aside the professionals.”

Concludes Dionne: “The Bush Era is over. The sooner politicians in both parties realize that, the better for them - and the country. Recent months have brought home to a steadily growing majority of Americans that President Bush's government doesn't work.

His policies are failing, his approach to leadership is detached and self-indulgent, his way of politics has produced a divided, angry and dysfunctional public square. We dare not go on like this.”

It seems everyone knows George W. Bush is dead meat. Everyone, of course, except George W. Bush.

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Sick minded and black-hearted people

FPF-fwd.: Broussard & Meet the Press transcript

Mon Sep 26, 2005 - Meet the Press yesterday* - transcript:

New Orleans with Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard: "What kind of sick mind, what kind of black-hearted people want to nitpick a man's mother's death?

It will be the saddest tale you ever heard, a man who was responsible for safekeeping of a half a million people, mother's died in the next parish because she was abandoned there and he can't get to her and he tried to get to her through EOC. He tried to get through the sheriff's office. He tries every way he can to get there.

Somebody wants to debate those things? My God, what sick-minded person wants to do that?"

Read the full story pls, it's enlightening and gut wrenching:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

Expats want out of the Netherlands

Forwarded by a not surprised FPF, knowing Holland: - Url.:

And, while reading the text and complaints, please do remember that The Netherlands is #6 on the list of richest countries in the world, that the Dutch - after Sweden - pay the highest taxes in the world and that - according to the official figures of the Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) - at least ONE MILLION people in this rich country vegetates on an existense minimum, around 750 Euro a month for all and everything, needing the 'mushrooming' 'free food' banks, Salvation Army etc. to keep their misery and hunger away.

Never has a known Dutch journalist in the main$tream media dared to ask the logical question:

How is this possible? Who steals all the money? Why are we suffering the by Henry Ford investigated problem? - Url.:

The Netherlands has an all out criminal 'Problem' -government with brainless stooges, 'run' by an international criminal and warmongering banking and industrial group which is wrecking the social structure and bleeding the people and country to death.

That too is why so many people leave The Netherlands:

the neocon Disease which has been rampant and should have been stopped a long time ago, before so much damage could be done as now is the case.

The expats don't leave the sinking ship: they daily see and experience that the criminals run the jail.

That's why they leave.



International agency expats 'want out of the Netherlands'

Dutch version below "Werknemers internationale organisaties willen weg uit Den Haag"

AMSTERDAM — At least 77 percent of the mainly expat staff of international agencies in the Netherlands want to leave the country.

And more than half of the Dutch employees think their organisation should relocate to another country, according to a report in newspaper 'De Volkskrant'.*

The daily paper based its story on a leaked internal survey carried out last summer by the International Organisations Staff Associations (IOSA-NL), which  represents staff members of international agencies.

These include the International Criminal Court, the UN Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Court of Justice, the European Patent Office, the European Space Agency and Europol. The majority are based in and around The Hague.

Telephone calls to international agencies on Friday failed to generate much response to a report.

Some of those contacted by Expatica showed interest in reading the article and representatives of two organisations expressed surprise at the claims expat workers were unhappy with life here. They asked that neither they nor the organisations they work for be named.

The IOSA found 77 percent of the workers for these organisations don't want to stay in the Netherlands. Some 3,400 people took part in the survey, amounting to 60 percent of the workers represented by the IOSA-NL.

The reasons for wanting to leave included unhappiness with the healthcare waiting lists and unsympathetic doctors; the tax system; dealing with bureaucracy; expensive childcare and the lack of suitable housing.

The conclusion of the report 'Thuis in Holland' (at home in Holland) states: "There is a widespread perception that international organisations and the people who work for them are no longer welcome in the Netherlands".

The high population in the Randstad and the growing distrust among Dutch people of foreigners were other factors mentioned, 'De Volkskrant' said.

The list of grievances was topped off with complaints about the weather and the difficulties of speaking Dutch.

The local authority in The Hague and government agencies declined to comment about the report has it has not been published.

The IOSA-NL plans to discuss the findings of the survey with the official agencies.

[enditem] - Expatica News 2005 - Url.:


'Werknemers internationale organisaties willen weg uit Den Haag'

'Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau' ANP - [= Reporters without honour - Url.:]

DEN HAAG - Maar liefst 77 procent van de medewerkers van de internationale organisaties in Den Haag en omgeving wil weg uit Nederland.

Dit blijkt uit een uitgelekte interne opiniepeiling van IOSA-NL, het samenwerkingsverband van de personeelsverenigingen van Joegoslavië-Tribunaal (ICTY), Internationaal Strafhof (ICC), Internationaal Gerechtshof, Europol, de Organisatie voor het Verbod op Chemische Wapens (OPCW) en andere internationale organisaties in Den Haag en omstreken.

Als redenen voor hun onvrede geven de ondervraagden op: ontevredenheid over de gezondheidszorg (lange wachtlijsten, slechts een ‘paracetamolletje’ bij ernstige klachten), belastingperikelen, problemen met verblijfsvergunningen, het slechte weer, de taal, het eten, de dure kinderopvang, de moeilijkheden om een passende woning te vinden, de milieuvervuiling, de hoge bevolkingsdichtheid in de Randstad en het groeiende wantrouwen van Nederlanders jegens vreemdelingen.

‘Er is een wijdverspreide perceptie dat internationale organisaties en de mensen die er werken, niet langer welkom zijn in Nederland’, aldus de conclusies van het conceptrapport.

Als positief ervaren de ‘internationals’ de wijdverspreide kennis van de Engelse taal in Nederland en het goede fietspadennet, evenals de ‘goedgeorganiseerde aard van de Nederlandse samenleving’ en de centrale ligging in Europa, aldus de conclusie van het conceptrapport ‘Thuis in Holland?’.

De gemeente Den Haag wil niet reageren op een rapport waarvan ze de inhoud niet kent. De stad heeft wel eerder soortgelijke klachten uit die richting gehoord. Collega's in het buitenland zouden het beter hebben en de dienstverlening in Nederland werd bijvoorbeeld als zeer traag ervaren. ‘Maar met die klachten is zover wij weten iets gedaan door het kabinet’, aldus een gemeentewoordvoerder.

Meer dan 3400 respondenten hebben meegedaan aan het onderzoek dat afgelopen zomer is gehouden. Dat komt neer op meer dan 60 procent van het personeel van de aangesloten internationale organisaties. De IOSA-NL gaat de bevindingen van de enquête met de Nederlandse autoriteiten bespreken.

Aan de enquête hebben medewerkers van ICTY, OPCW, het Europees Octrooibureau in Rijswijk, het Europese ruimtevaartagenschap ESA en de Haagse NAVO-vestiging NC3A meegedaan. De IOSA-NL benadrukt dat de uitkomsten bij de diverse internationale organisaties sterk op elkaar lijken.

Onder de respondenten zijn ook 14 procent Nederlanders. Van hen vindt meer dan de helft dat hun werkgever Nederland zou moeten verlaten.

De organisatie met de meeste ontevreden medewerkers is de OPCW. Daar vindt 88 procent van de respondenten dat de organisatie Nederland zou moeten verlaten.

[enditem] Story - Url.:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

*Former PM Wim Kok, and other Dutch Govt's War criminals in Court - Url.:

* Never trust them, the neocon's BBC - (Broadcasting Blair's Crap) - and their warmongering:

*Corporate News Media: Incompetent, Criminally Negligent or Complicit? - Url.:

* Brainwashed? Take the free 'Gullibility Factor' test to find out if you're really a mind slave or not:

* The World Can't Wait! Drive out the Bush Regime. Mobilize for November 2, 2005! - Url.:

*Help the troops come back from abroad! We need them badly at home in many countries,
to fight our so called 'governments' - Url.:

FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:


Terrorism by members of the US/UK's Black Elite Forces

It appears that when on September 19 suspicious Iraqi police stopped the Toyota Cressida the undercover British soldiers were driving, the two men opened fire, killing one policeman and wounding another. But the soldiers, identified by the BBC as "members of the SAS elite special forces" (, were subdued by the police and arrested.

A report published by The Guardian on September 24 adds the further detail that the SAS men "are thought to have been on a surveillance mission outside a police station in Basra when they were challenged by an Iraqi police patrol" (,2763,1577575,00.html).

As Justin Raimondo has observed in an article published on September 23 at, nearly every other aspect of this episode is disputed.

The Washington Post dismissively remarked, in the eighteenth paragraph of its report on these events, that "Iraqi security officials variously accused the two Britons they detained of shooting at Iraqi forces or trying to plant explosives" ( Iraqi officials in fact accused them not of one or the other act, but of both.

Fattah al-Shaykh, a member of the Iraqi National Assembly, told Al-Jazeera TV on September 19 that the soldiers opened fire when the police sought to arrest them, and that their car was booby-trapped "and was meant to explode in the centre of the city of Basra in the popular market" (quoted by Chossudovsky).

A deliberately inflammatory press release sent out on the same day by the office of Moqtada al-Sadr (and posted in English translation at Juan Cole’s Informed Comment blog on September 20) states that the soldiers’ arrest was prompted by their having "opened fire on passers-by" near a Basra mosque, and that they were found to have "in their possession explosives and remote-control devices, as well as light and medium weapons and other accessories" (

What credence can be given to the claim about explosives? Justin Raimondo writes that while initial BBC Radio reports acknowledged that the two men indeed had explosives in their car, subsequent reports from the same source indicated that the Iraqi police found nothing beyond "assault rifles, a light machine gun, an anti-tank weapon, radio gear, and medical kit. This is thought to be standard kit for the SAS operating in such a theater of operations" (


Britain to pull troops from Iraq as Blair says 'don't force me out' - Url.:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

* Never trust them, the neocon's BBC - (Broadcasting Blair's Crap) - and their warmongering:

*Corporate News Media: Incompetent, Criminally Negligent or Complicit? - Url.:

* The World Can't Wait! Drive out the Bush Regime. Mobilize for November 2, 2005! - Url.:

*Help the troops come back from abroad! We need them badly at home in many countries,
to fight our so called 'governments' - Url.:

FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
