Monday, August 28, 2006

The International Criminal Court in The Hague?

COURTS? - Bought, bribed and bullied!

Just a question: has anybody ever heard or seen any statement by the judges of the International Criminal Court in The Hague (The Netherlands) condemning the US/Israeli war machine's genocides? Or any other 'judges' of international or great national standing? What conclusions does that give us?

And any charges or cases concerning US/Israeli war crimes and those of their mercenaries in the 'Coalition of the Killing' - complaints about war crimes which were brought to the attention of the ICC - didn't even merit an answer. Confirming that this ICC gang wears the robes and takes the money, but is spineless and should be replaced by honest people who remember what human rights are. - Url.:

Former UN inspector Scott Ritter by the way, said something similar 16 days ago as Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin Ferenccz - and it was even published in a mainstream propaganda paper in England: ''British and American leaders likened to Nazi war criminals'' - Url.:

We are many in Holland trying to get the war criminals in some kind of 'honest' court - but it's a hell of a battle. It must be done however, before they kill us all. - Url.:

There's a MSNBC poll on Internet concerning Bush and his malignant actions, and - with 307.745 responses this far - 86% votes him out of office. Impeachment however is no solution from my point of view, unless followed by a due process and life time in jail for all of those war criminals.

Including the financiers and their 'messmedia' propagandists, without whom all atrocities never would have been possible, they are guilty too concerning all those crimes against us, humanity.

MSNBC question: Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?

Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial. - 86%

No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching "high crimes and misdemeanors." - 4.4%

No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching. - 7.3%

I don't know. - 1.8%

MSNBC - Url.:

They are standing there with all the blood on their hands, ignorant of what jewish 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter said: "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - Url.:

And before the PNAC pack starts yapping again: DEFINITION OF SEMITES from the Collins English Dictionary - [] - "Semitic: a member of the group of Caucasoid people who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the Ancient Babylonians (Iraqis), the Assyrians (Syria), and the Phoenicians (the Lebanese of today). Semitic: a branch or sub-family of languages that includes Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew.” - Palestinians and Lebanese for instance are semites. The JDL cliché: 'anti semitism' has always been a fake accusation, abused to kill debates too in the past. Not anymore. What the US/Israeli war machine is doing is anti semitism on a global scale.

* RACE HOLOCAUST? - THIS IS A STATEMENT OVERTLY SUPPORTING GENOCIDE - Who said this? Hitler? Goebbels? Attila The Hun? Mussolini? Ivan The Terrible? - "...advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." - This is not politics as usual. - Url.:

International Criminal Court - Url.:

White House "Stops at Nothing" in Campaign Against War Crimes Court: U.S.: 'Hague Invasion Act' Becomes Law - Url.:

* Reference guide to the Geneva Conventions - Url.:

* ''FIXING THE FACTS AROUND THE POLICY'' - The leaked 'Downing Street Memos' exposed the criminal lies by war criminals like Bush, Blair, Berlusconi (It.) Balkenende (NL) - their collaborating media and other malignant ilk. - Url.:

* Who's financing? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:

* Read the Fightin' Cock Flyer - Url.:

* Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE WERE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [ ] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:

* RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email so it can be corrected. - Url.:

* The Dutch author this far has worked abroad for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Having practical experience of coups and the obscenity of war: seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism!

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands 


9/11 & 3 Tales of American Black Genocide & Katrina

Franklin’s Focus 8/27/06


The year was 1927. The month was April. That month saw the US deluged with unprecedented rainfall.

The rains fell and fell and fell. So great was the downfall, the Gulf of Mexico was filled and was rejecting the
waters of the Mississippi River, which supposedly empties into the Gulf. Unbelievably, the great river's waters were being rejected by the Gulf, which was apparently filled to capacity. America's greatest river also was also filled to its capacity. It was pushing the waters being delivered by its tributaries back to where they came from, where the roiling waters spilled over their banks into countless towns and cities. As for the Mississippi, it too was overflowing its banks and levees from south to north.

Back then, as now, New Orleans depended on levees to protect it from river overflows. As the waters rose during the great deluge of that month in 1927, the members of the upper class white neighborhoods of New Orleans began to worry. What might happen to their rose gardens and French architecture homes should the levees overflow and flood the city? Clandestine conferences were held among panicked plutocrats and whoremongering city officials.


They had always resented the large, blue collar population of unsavory black people in THEIR lovely city. Why not kill two birds with one stone? What if they could wipe out the poor black neighborhoods while protecting their manicured rose gardens and sumptuous homes?

In unison, the plutocrats informed their servants in city hall how it should be done. The city would simply dynamite the levees at key spots, allowing a vast flooding of the entire poor black section of the city. Many of these dark skinned undesirables would be drowned or forced to flee New Orleans. In both cases, these worthless pariahs would be removed from a city that rightfully belonged to the city's white gentry.

To forestall any demonstrations or riots over this plan, the city fathers promised extremely generous financial compensation to all those whose homes 'might be' damaged. The message was that their cooperation would be an act of loyalty toward their beloved city, a small sacrifice that would be amply rewarded.


Water cascaded through the breech like a flood from Hell. The water came thundering through the gap at one million cubic feet per four seconds. The black neighborhoods were immersed with stunning speed. Such a tidal wave had hardly been expected by the ill-informed residents, and many thousands died. Sadly, relatively few corpses were recovered; so the death toll has never been known.

Alas, the promised compensation never came, except for a few persistent blacks with the means to hire lawyers. The hoped for disappearance of most of the black population, however, never occurred, much to the annoyance of the city's white power elite. The blacks rebuilt their neighborhoods with their own hands and industry. These undaunted, courageous Americans managed to survive one of the most frightening acts of genocide in American history. Perhaps their stoicism had been handed down among blacks since the days of slavery.

Thousands perished, but how many thousands will never be known since no effort was ever made to calculate how many poor blacks had been drowned and how many had fled to other cities.


One day in the year 2005, as Katrina was whirling its way across the Gulf, meetings were being held in the White House. The head of FEMA, George Bush, Karl Rove, and other members of the cabal had gathered. It's possible, perhaps probable, that certain corporate real estate and housing development representatives were also there. We're forced to guess who attended. The Supremes have decreed that the American people are not entitled to know what goes on at surreptitious meetings between interest groups and the likes of a Karl Rove or a Dick Cheney.

We have to guess what was decided. Our first assumption is that they decided to blow the levees for a second time, thusly wiping out most of the blue collar black parishes of the city of New Orleans, while also
drowning thousands of those undesirable darkies.


For starters, when the two or three demolition teams were assembled to blow the levee at multiple points, a few members of the teams had some qualms about murdering thousands of innocent citizens. Accordingly, they went from door to door warning the occupants to flee their homes and leave the neighborhood because teams were about to blow up the levees. The voices of these black witnesses have been steadfastly ignored by the media; so you may not have even known of their existence.

Those who did not have their doors knocked on, stayed in their homes, and many somehow survived.

Some residents have testified to committees and told reporters that they had heard at least two huge explosions immediately before the levees were breeched. I actually heard a black woman testify before a committee to this effect. She was treated contemptuously as a conspiracy wacko. These earwitness testimonies have been ignored by faux 'investigators', by the White House, and by our prostrate media.

Factor number three: when construction crews were sent to repair the breeched levees, one of the crew was a former US Army explosives expert, who knew something about underwater demolitions. While diving at the breech points, he came across debris that looked exactly like the debris from an explosion. He carefully selected some small pieces and hid them in his pockets.


His friend analyzed the debris and reported that two different explosives had been used in tandem. He identified exactly what they were. With those facts in mind, he managed to circulate what he had learned on the Net. Alas, this was quickly nipped in the bud, presumably by the FBI, and I have not seen mention of this report since then. The man who tried to tell the world what had happened seems to have vanished.

I fear the poor man may have suffered a heart attack.

There is other evidence. Following the unleashing of huge bodies of water into the black areas, the White House clearly ordered FEMA and the Blackwater private troops to do everything they could to block any rescuing of survivors in the flooded areas. The worst blocking of efforts to save the stranded black folks came at river estuary. Over 1,500 private citizens with their flat bottom boats (driven by wind producing fans) quickly assembled outside New Orleans in the coastal Gulf Waters. I'm sure you've seen films of these boats skimming through the Florida everglades. They were absolutely perfect boats for rescuing thousands of survivors waiting for rescue on rooftops, porches, and attics. Such a rescue would have brought to mind the famous rescue of British troops at Dunkirk by private citizens using thousands of small boats at the beginning of WW II.

What is horrifying is that the White House ordered the Coast Guard to blockade any entry into New Orleans by this huge fleet of boats manned by private citizens who desperately wanted to rescue survivors.* These good citizens lingered with their boats for many days and finally dispersed when they realized they would never be allowed to save a single soul. Once again, the media have ignored a blatantly damning tale of White House sociopathy.

That is but one example of the a host of ways in which FEMA and the White House tried to block or seriously impede rescues and all other forms of aid to survivors.

Many thousands of New Orleans blacks died in 1927 and 2005. The great majority of bodies have never been collected, and will never be found. Now consider the following: over 3,000 mostly white folks died on 9/11. That date has become a solemn and mournful day of remembrance. Ceremonies are held across the nation on each 9/11. In contrast, thousands of New Orleans poor blacks were murdered in 1927 and 2005, but these deaths are not nationally memorialized, nor do see more than an occasional brief videotape of New Orleans blacks who have lost loved ones gathering together to remember and to mourn.

The date 9/11 has been sanctified as a kind of holy date. Some might argue the difference is that the 9/11 victims were murdered by the evil Osama.* Actually, the most stunning commonality of the three events is that it was the government of the United States of America that secretively used explosives to massively kill fellow Americans.

Of course, our fourth estate in all three cases has dutifully fallen in line and published whatever either the White House or Mockingbird has spoon fed to America's corporate editors and reporters.





While on the subject of black genocide, did you know that over 5,000 black males were lynched during the heyday of recreational lynching in the deep South? This form of recreation was benevolently smiled upon by a racist-drag-queen FBI chief who was violently opposed to diversity in America.

He did, however, have a great fondness for Mafia bosses who fixed endless horse races entirely for his enrichment. Aside from being a drag queen, his most notable trait was that he kept files on every member of Congress and the White House, a hobby that resulted in his becoming the most powerful man in America for decades.

I've often suggested that his case is an argument for diversity tolerance in America. If all homophobia, whether religiously inspired or a product of sick machismo, had never existed, perhaps J. Edgar might have been grown up to be a far different person, in which case, American history would surely have been changed in profound ways, probably for the better.


All this uncovering and describing horror stories is not exactly a pleasing hobby. I'm seriously thinking of putting Focus to rest. The subscriber list has been steadily shrinking, and there must be more pleasant pursuits to follow than one that includes detailed descriptions of mass murders in America.

I do greatly enjoy my correspondence with readers, so I at least have that upside to doing this rag. I suspect that if it weren't for that pleasure, I would have put Focus to sleep years ago.

Warmest regards,


[enditem] - FPF-fwd. via "Arthur Lueders" Email:

FPF - Related:

FOX 'news': ''Volunteers with boats hoping to help rescue those still stranded on rooftops in New Orleans were told to stand down by the Federal Emergency Management Agency after shots were fired.'' - Url.:,2933,168112,00.html


[1] Federal Bureau of Investigation, Most Wanted Terrorists, Usama Bin Laden,, [Accessed May 31, 2006]

[2] United States Department of Defense, News Release, U.S. Releases Videotape of Osama bin Laden, December 13, 2001,, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

[3] BBC News, Bin Laden video angers New Yorkers, December 14, 2001, Peter Gould,, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

[4] CNN, Bin Laden on tape: Attacks ‘benefited Islam greatly”, December 14, 2001,, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

Related: Dead? Who created the story of Al Zarqawi? - It's probably a surprise for many, but this most sought after terrorist, al Zarqawi, was never on the FBI's list of the '10 Most wanted'. Nor on the FBI's list of 'most wanted terrorists'. With a reward of $25 million - like Osama bin Laden - on his head? Didn't they want him? - Url.:


* IT'S VERY UNLIKELY, but if you indeed would prefer to unsubscribe from the FPF-list: just send an email in return with the word 'unsubscribe'.

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
